Teamup Calendar – adding reservations for guests to your site

In these covid-19 times, many restaurants coffee shops and boutique stores sudden face the need to add reservations to their website. Sure, you can use Facebook events for each day and make a number of slots but not everyone wants to use Facebook or register for events.

Using Teamup, it’s easy and free to add simple guest booking service to your website. It is one of the case demos on their site for many have already discovered this great calendar service.

TeamUp Scheduling

If you would like to add a guest booking feature to your site in these Corona times but don’t have necessary skills to do it or simply don’t have the time, get in touch with me!

Often, your POS vendor has modules he can add for you with the added benefit your reservations will seamlessly integrate with the rest of the system. Or you can use, an initiative by KPN, to add simple quick reservations to your website at the cost of installing an additional app.

Verse koffiebonen bij het thuiswerken

Als je thuiswerkt en verse koffiebonen nodig hebt, check dan deze megapost met links naar alle branders in Nederland, die bekend zijn, met een webshop om bonen te bestellen! ☕🌱 worstelde met dezelfde gedachten als ik:

Hoe kom ik aan lekkere, goede, verse koffiebonen voor m’n koffie als ik het huis niet meer uit mag?


Bezorgen natuurlijk, maar door wie? Wie brandt nog dagelijks koffiebonen en heeft een webshop waar ik die kan bestellen zodat ze bij mij thuis bezorgd kunnen worden? Want ik wil geen oude bonen! 😀

coffee and latte art
coffee cups and latte art

Nou, het is een megapost geworden op Facebook en de lijst groeit nog steeds. Gelukkig hebben ze de lijst met koffiebranders in Nederland met een webshop ook op hun website gezet, daar is hij wat overzichtelijker!

En als jij zelf nog goede suggesties hebt, geef ze vooral door aan koffietje op facebook! Daar hebben we allemaal wat aan!

PS: Ben je een koffiebrander maar heb je nog geen webshop zodat klanten bij je kunnen bestellen? Neem dan ff contact op! Zelfs met een gratis Google Forms bestelformulier kom je een heel eind en dat is zo gemaakt! Shopify kan ook maar vergt meer tijd, heb je later ook wel weer wat aan.

St Maarten Radio Interview with Barista Christian Peper

radio studio with DJ behind the computer

Very proud to have gotten the chance to speak about coffee in Sint Maarten on the morning show of the popular island92 radio station with Dr Soc! There is so much that goes through your head on such an occasion that I’m pretty satisfied with how the interview went, although there are a zillion things that I’d change the next time!

“15 minutes of fame”, baby!

Hope you like it! See also

Market Garden Evolution

white building with round windows and parking lot

Local newspaper on Sint Maarten, the Daily Herald, writes another nice article about the supermarket Market Garden and how they are attracting new customers and generating new business.

The Double Dutch Café functions to lower the threshold for people to come in and see the fresh fruits and produce and tries to entice them to try and buy from a whole range of ready-to-eat products, starting with excellent coffee.

… although the coffee alone is a reason to stop by in your daily routine…

Article mentions my name, Christian Peper, as a barista for their Double Dutch Café! So proud that was able to switch myself around and start doing what I love. Making the best coffee on the island for people.


Daily Herald Newspaper features Barista Christian Peper

newspaper article about Christian Peper

Double Dutch Café, inside Market Garden supermarket, has hired barista Christian Peper to bring third wave coffee to the island of St Maarten.

The cafe wants to make the best coffee available on the island of St Maarten and odes so by raising the standards to make coffee. It’s no longer about adding hot water to ground coffee beans but about choosing the right water, using the right water temperature, picking a light to medium roasted bean, setting the best grind level to achieve 25 seconds brew time and serving it instantly.


Market Garden Cafe has a Head Barista

After two weeks of set-up and soft opening, I’m proud to say that I’ve been busy creating an excellent coffee corner inside the Market Garden supermarket in Simpson bay, Sint Maarten. My mission is to show that excellent coffee is possible, even when you grind beans on-demand.

I have helped them design the shop’s workflow and set-up. I told them where to place the machine for best customer contact and how much room a barista needs to work efficiently and comfortably. They bought an espresso machine in the US but didn’t know how to configure the machine. So I calibrated the amount of water, ground coffee, found a sweet spot and frothed milk from the many different milk or milk-substitutes that the supermarket caters. I asked for a Mazzer Super Jolly grinder but they were impossible to get on time, so I’m making due with what I’ve got. The Baratza Forte AP with ceramic burrs is a great machine though!

I am currently sourcing some espresso beans on the island to try and make a damn good espresso. The cafe will be working with Starbucks beans and they’ve already sourced too many to get rid of, so that’s what it is. However, it’s fine for Cappuccino and other milk coffees, iced coffee and frappuccino. Given the island’s taste, that is what sells the most anyway. But for the few coffee gourmands and espresso fans, it’s trivial to get a couple of kilos of great medium roast natural processed beans and please them too. And who knows… maybe I can convert a few of them 🙂